upcoming events


Mrs Dalloways with Rachel Richardson, Berkeley, CA

Richardson and Markham come together for a lively and timely discussion of their two new books, both with themes of climate catastrophe. Click here for more details and to register for this free event.

 Thursday, February 27, 2025 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Event address: 

Mrs. Dalloway's Bookstore

2904 College Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94705


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What's Creative Nonfiction, anyway? With Ingrid Rojas Contreras at Page Street in Berkeley, CA

What's Creative Nonfiction, anyway?

Award-winning writers Lauren Markham and Ingrid Rojas Contreras explore all the shapes Creative Nonfiction can take.

From memoir to journalism to linked essays to think pieces, Creative Nonfiction can wear a lot of hats. In this conversation between two award-winning writers, a memoirist and journalist/essayist, we'll explore all the shapes Creative Nonfiction can take, including some unconventional ones, as well as how and where to get your Creative Nonfiction published.

After the craft talk, books will be for sale and prosecco will be served.

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AWP Panel: Failing Again, Failing Better: The Joys of Revision (Los Angeles)

Failing Again, Failing Better: The Joys of Revision

With Chris Feliciano Arnold, Camille Rankine, Ingrid Rojas Contreras and R.O. Kwon

Must revision be all tax and toil? How might it be a process of exaltation and discovery, of further connecting with the thing we’re making to better understand what it needs of us? This cross-genre panel featuring widely published writers of poetry, memoir, journalism, essays, and fiction will engage with the challenges and demands of revision, and offer insight into their own revision strategies, including before and after samples and visual portrayals of their revision processes over time.

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